Deutschland-Semesterticket in the myVRN app

1. Registration in myVRN

- Open the myVRN app
- In the menu, click on VRN Account and register using a personal email address that can be accessed independently of the college/university. Please Do not use your RPTU- or Kaiserslautern UAS-email address.
- Wait for the confirmation email and click on the link contained therein
- Confirm registration via the link
- Complete registration by entering the payment method
- Wait for another email to complete the registration process

New: Students of RPTU and Kaiserslautern University of Applied Sciences can complete the registration process without specifying a payment method. Simply click the button "Continue without payment method".

2. Selection

- click on VRN Ticketshop in the menu
- select Deutschland-Semesterticket with the correct start-month under the menu item Deutschland-Ticket
- click on "Authorization check“ to verify eligibility

3. Check authorization

- Use your university login data (for Kaiserslautern University of Applied Sciences, 2-Factor Authentication is required)
- After successful approval, your authorization credentials will be stored

Important: For the university login, you will be redirected to the authentication page of the selected college/university. Log in here with your university credentials. VRN has no access to this data.

4. Order a ticket

- Switch to the VRN Ticketshop by clicking on VRN Ticketshop in the menu
- Under the "Ticket Purchase" tab, select the Deutschland-Semesterticket with the correct start month, add it to the basket, and complete the order by clicking "Buy Now"

Note: Once the order has been placed, the Deutschland-Semesterticket will appear under the "Purchase Summary" tab on the "VRN Ticketshop" page, showing its validity for the selected month. The Deutschland-Semesterticket is a subscription valid for the entire semester, but is issued as a monthly ticket in the myVRN app.

5. Extension

For the following semester, the authorization check must be initiated again in order to continue using the Deutschland-Semesterticket - even if you already have a valid Deutschland-Semesterticket.
This is possible after enrolling for the following semester, at the earliest 20 days prior to the start of the respective semester. To do this, please go to the authentication page of the college/university using the link for authorization check in the app. If the authorization is approved, the entitlement period is extended until the end of the following semester. The validity of the Deutschland-Semesterticket is also extended. In this case, it is not necessary to reorder the Deutschland-Semesterticket.

If the authorization is refused or not renewed for the following semester by the end of the current semester, the Deutschland-Semesterticket automatically expires at the end of the current semester. If the Deutschland-Semesterticket is desired again in the new semester after the validity has expired, the authorization (step 3 "Check authorization") must be obtained again and the ticket reordered.

6. Cancellation

The Deutschland-Semesterticket is paid for when you enroll, and cancellation is generally not possible.
If you are exmatriculated or granted a leave of absence during the current semester and the college/university refunds the amount, you will no longer be entitled to use the Deutschland-Semesterticket. In this case, you must cancel it yourself.
The Deutschland-Semesterticket must be cancelled immediately when you apply for exmatriculation or a leave of absence at the end of the current month (the technical deadline is the 10th of each month). If the cancellation date is after the 10th of each month, the cancellation must take place on the next available date. In addition, the exmatriculated student must immediately contact VRN by email at to request a correction of the cancellation date.

If you cancel your contract as part of an exmatriculation, you cannot reorder a Deutschland-Semesterticket. However, you can buy other products such as the Deutschland-Ticket or the Luftlinientarif, given that a valid payment method is stored in the account.